Kat Lanute


Kathryn (Kat) is a Chicago native and brand new to Colorado. She was trained at Hot Yoga Naperville 5 years ago and has been steadily teaching since. Her favorite styles to teach are 26&2, Vinyasa/Mix, Yin, and Restorative, and the more heat the better.

The balance of movement and stillness and being able to sit with uncomfortable feelings is something she credits to yoga and tries to incorporate in her classes. In Chicago, she was also a Music Director at a School of Rock and still teaches private vocal and piano lessons.

She came to CO because of how calm and healing the Earth feels out here, and the underlying silence that you can't get within the buzz of a city. Yoga is a very healing constant, both physically and mentally for her, and she mindfully aims to create an environment in each class where people can come and take what they need for that day and re-ground. Each day is different, and each class is a new chance to heal and reset.


Nicole Gritis


Ken Tallman