Student Highlight
Meet Amanda! Amanda has been a dedicated student of TSB since 2020. She is a super (super) mom and an advocate and leader in the outdoor adventure and recreation industry. Her creativity, passion, and leadership inspire us, and she is a bold and quiet force in the yoga space. Not to mention she is an incredible poet. Amanda, we are lucky to have you in our community! Here’s a little more about Amanda!

Student Highlight
Jonathan! We love this man. Jonathan has been practicing at the studio since 2016 and logged almost 500 classes. Thank you for always showing up. Thank you for inspiring us with your presence and knowledge of all things yoga (especially philosophy), letting us live vicariously through your epic adventures, and serving our community by just being you. Here is a little bit more about Jonathan!

Teacher Spotlight
My first introduction to yoga was in wilderness therapy when I was 17. I had never intentionally connected with my body before that point and it was super powerful and healing to stretch and breathe and be present with the sensations of being alive. I continued a daily practice at home after wilderness and eventually started experimenting with going to public classes, where I found hot yoga and was immediately obsessed.

Student Spotlight
Meet Lizzy! Lizzy joined the studio this past winter and it has been an honor to watch her thrive in the space! Lizzy we so appreciate your positivity, bright smile and excitement and commitment to the practice! You truly make everyone around you feel comfortable and at ease. Thank you for being a part of our community! Heres a little bit more about Lizzy!

ASANA BREAKDOWN: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand
While headstand is dubbed the king of asana poses, shoulderstand is tagged as the queen or mother of the yoga poses by B.K.S. Iyengar carrying the most benefits of any yoga asanas. Shoulderstand not only benefits the body but has a tremendous effect on the mind, promoting harmony, balance and a sense of calm.

Student Spotlight
Meet Brad! Brad has been a practicing with us for a little over a year and has already logged in 85 hours of yoga at TSB!
Brad we are so happy to have you in our family and grateful for the warm attitude you bring to the space.

Go to reminders for your hot yoga practice
As you know, we like it hot over here at the studio, and hot yoga is a one-of-a-kind experience. Practicing yoga in the heat benefits our bodies, minds, and hearts. There are also a few things to know about how to best practice yoga in the heat.

ASANA BREAKDOWN: Extended Side Angle or Utthita Parsvakonasana
Extended side angle is a pose that is incorporated in almost every Vinyasa practice. It is mainly used as a transition but it also a strong and steady pose in itself! Keep in mind that various styles and traditions cue, set up and execute this pose differently. Always do what feels best in YOUR body.

ASANA BREAKDOWN: Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana
Stretches lower body, souls of feet, calves, and hamstrings.
Builds strength through the upper body.
Tips and Tricks:
Engage Hasta Banda, or hand lock. Spread your fingers wide like a starfish and press down through your pointer finger and thumb.
Bring ears in line with biceps.

Embracing the courage to fly with Crow Pose.
Accept fear and embrace the courage to fly. Practicing Crow Pose, accomplishes this and so much more. It strengthens our core, builds our dristi (focus), and asks us to stretch what we think is possible.