ASANA BREAKDOWN: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand


While headstand is dubbed the king of asana poses,  shoulderstand is tagged as the queen or mother of the yoga poses by B.K.S. Iyengar carrying the most benefits of any yoga asanas. Shoulderstand not only benefits the body but has a tremendous effect on the mind, promoting harmony, balance and a sense of  calm.


  • Stretches shoulders and neck and also involves every part of the body to achieve this powerful and subtle pose.

  • Calms and regulates the nervous system.

  • Reduces fluid retention in the legs and feet and improves blood circulation throughout the entire body.

  • Nourishes the thyroid and parathyroid with blood.

  • Improves digestion.

  • Reduces fatigue and helps with sleep.

  • Encourages balance.

  • Opens and stimulates the Throat and Crown Chakra.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Lie on your back and keep your arms down by your sides, palms facing the earth.

  • Support your lower back and sacrum with your hands.

  • Breath in and lift both legs up to 90 degrees.

  • As you lift your hips up toward the ceiling, place your hands onto your hips and walk your hands up toward your shoulder blades.

  • Lift your hips up as high as you can, bringing your chest toward your chin and pulling toes above head.

  • Keep legs and feet engaged and reaching up toward the ceiling.

  • Walk elbows in about shoulder distance apart and draw shoulder blades toward each other. Roll your upper arms outwards to prevent your elbows from splaying out to the sides.

  • Keep core engaged to help lift your hip and allow your hands to walk further up back for more support.

  • Keep gaze steady at the navel and refrain from moving head or neck.

  • Come down slowly, drawing knees to belly until feet reach the ground. Let the back neutralize and take time to pause, enjoy the benefits of this inverted pose!

  • To modify: Bring a block under the sacrum for Waterfall pose, find Dead Bug Pose or use a wall for support!


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