Ken Tallman
Ken has been doing hot yoga consistently since 2015 and found it to be a life-changing experience. His initial focus was just on the asana practice and the physical and mental purge that came with an hour of sweating through the poses. He quickly found that time spent on his mat allowed him to clear his mind of all the noise and distractions swirling around him (vrtti). Although his yoga teaching certification is in the Ashtanga yoga lineage, he blends other poses into his classes making them accessible for all.
A friend introduced Ken to AcroYoga in 2018 and he was immediately hooked. He started taking classes and attending seminars, but found it difficult to find fellow enthusiasts during covid, so he taught friends and began building an AcroYoga community. In 2022 he started teaching AcroYoga classes regularly and blends that with his yoga teaching. Attend Ken's AcroYoga class and you're sure to have fun whether you are a first-time AcroYogi or have lots of experience.
Ken brings tremendous energy and enthusiasm to everything he does, and he loves sharing that passion with others in a supportive manner.